Tag: infrared

Christmas Lights (for Nerds)

Christmas Lights (for Nerds)

Our street takes Christmas pretty seriously. At least in Australian terms. Most people in the street take the time to decorate their house (for which there are prizes given, and an Oscar-esque bribery/scandal sideshow), before we close the street for a communal Christmas lunch. Santa arrives 

Professional Portfolio – Week 06

Professional Portfolio – Week 06

It’s been painfully clear over the past couple of weeks that I need to start testing the physical side of my project. Although I’ve been spending quite a lot of time banging my head against the wall with Max/MSP/Jitter coding, it will all be for 

Electronic Technologies – Week 06

Electronic Technologies – Week 06

Just a quick catchup on this subject, as it leads into posts I’m about to put up about my major project… I grabbed an infrared LED electronics kit a couple of weeks back from Jaycar. The assembly was surprisingly easy – considering my soldering experience 

Digital Studio – Week 10

Digital Studio – Week 10

I’ve spent the last week madly trying to come to grips with coding in C and then learn C++, in an effort to get down and dirty with OpenGL. Doesn’t make for a particularly interesting journal entry. Fortunately though, my new band-pass filter arrived today,