Tag: Digital Studio

Digital Studio – Week 12

Digital Studio – Week 12

This is the wrap up. Well, normally it would be, but Digital Studio is just the first half of what is essentially a year-long subject. So instead of presenting something complete, this is where I’ll consolidate my work from this semester (it’s being presented in 

Digital Studio – Week 11

Digital Studio – Week 11

It was time to get physical this week, and I decided to create a small-scale mockup of where the project is currently at. I’m well aware that light projections will behave in different ways when in situ (as opposed to sitting on my computer screen), 

Digital Studio – Week 10

Digital Studio – Week 10

I’ve spent the last week madly trying to come to grips with coding in C and then learn C++, in an effort to get down and dirty with OpenGL. Doesn’t make for a particularly interesting journal entry. Fortunately though, my new band-pass filter arrived today, 

Digital Studio – Week 09

Digital Studio – Week 09

%CODE1% Development was slow going this week. It started with the above test: controlling 3D shapes in Quartz Composer, by passing variables from Max/MSP (MaxForLive) via OSC. I was a little disappointed that the built in lighting patch for Quartz didn’t render shadows all that 

Digital Studio – Week 08

Digital Studio – Week 08

I bought the PS3 eye camera last year, knowing full well that with some clever modifications, it becomes a cheap solution for achieving relatively high-end motion tracking. Whilst I haven’t got around to taking the knife to my camera just yet, I have begun thinking 

Digital Studio – Week 07

Digital Studio – Week 07

I had a moment (or twelve) of hesitation about the direction of my project this week. After speaking to one of the lecturers at uni, I received my first piece of constructive criticism around my approach to this project. I’d like to think that I 

Digital Studio – Week 06

Digital Studio – Week 06

I think my girlfriend secretly hates me. She’s currently head-down in books, doing her final/postgrad/super-diploma/masters/accreditation/thing to be a psychologist. Meanwhile, I’m playing with toys. Literally. And this is what I get to pass off as my final year of study. I’m so glad I didn’t 

Digital Studio – Week 05

Digital Studio – Week 05

I finally made it along to the Olafur Eliasson exhibit at Sydney’s MCA this week. If you haven’t… well, it’s probably finished by the time you read this. It was good. Actually, it was pretty great, but tempered by the fact that everyone had been 

Digital Studio – Week 04

Digital Studio – Week 04

I carried out the first of the test experiments this week. A simple set up with a data projector displaying a Processing sketch, controlled by a Wii remote. The feedback I received from the 5 participants was interesting. It seems most people were distracted by 

Digital Studio – Week 03

Digital Studio – Week 03

Planning I’m a bit anti public art. Well – not public art itself – but the ridiculous amount of consultation that’s required to go along with it. Starting to look at the layers of council and bureaucracy approval, frightening commercial hire rates and logistics of 

Digital Studio – Week 02

Digital Studio – Week 02

Class Package Design isn’t something we’re taught in Digital Media, but spoke about in class this week. It probably fits in with the visual ID topic of Professional Practice also, but it’s something we’ll need to consider for the second part of Digital Studio: Professional 

Digital Studio – Week 01

Digital Studio – Week 01

Class This is the big one. Digital Studio is the first semester lead-up to the final semester subject, Professional Portfolio, which together form our major project, not just for the year – but for the entire course. Whilst much of the creation of the final