Tag: interface

Study 01n

Study 01n

After almost 3 years of research, I have finally completed the first observational study in the Interactive Multi-Sensory Environment (IMSE) I have constructed. I’ve settled on the IMSE nomenclature to differentiate the space from a history of passive Multi-Sensory Environments (MSEs), like the Snoezelen room. Without 

Fiducial Box Test

Fiducial Box Test

I had one of the greatest wins of my lifetime arrive this week in the form of a successful HREC application. Now that this giant hurdle is out of the way, I finally get to focus on putting together the observational studies that form the centrepiece of 

Professional Portfolio – Week 07

Professional Portfolio – Week 07

The past couple of weeks have been a bit of a blur of trial and error. Testing lights, interactive materials, table designs and of course a heap of Max/MSP/Jitter code. Although I’ve just had a 2 week break from classes, there certainly hasn’t been a