Tag: Marshall McLuhan

Screen Culture – Week 07

Screen Culture – Week 07

Research As with all my subjects this semester, ‘Week 07’ is really a week of our mid-semester break. Yes, they decided to call it ‘Research Week’, where we’re able to come in and arrange meetings with our tutors/lecturers, but as anyone who’s ever been to 

Screen Culture – Week 02

Screen Culture – Week 02

Classwork It was interesting this week to hear the responses to McLuhan’s theories. After some clarification in the lecture, we entered a tutorial-wide discussion surrounding what was mostly a question of “do you agree that the medium is the message?” Of course, this is one 

Screen Culture – Week 01

Screen Culture – Week 01

Classwork I was encouraged by the broad scope of the introductory lecture and tutorial for Screen Culture this week. It will be the first – and only – strictly theory subject I’ve taken this year and probably a nice break from the weight of project