New Marks

For some time now, I’ve been planning a bit of a revamp of the angryPixel main site. In retrospect, I think it was a mistake to use such a personal logo to represent a site which will umbrella several different projects and the people behind them.
Now that the first semester of uni has wrapped up and I’ve got some time to myself, I’m playing with a few new ideas. Firstly, the logo will get a facelift. I have moved my personal logo (yes, those are my eyebrows) to this blog and thrown up a mark that I had in mind for a while…

…it does concern me that this first attempt may be a little too corporate, but I do like the metaphor of ‘aP’ being represented by a sprouting plant. angryPixel is not only a reasonably new concept, but I would love to see it grow into a larger organism, branching off into many different projects. It’s also a mark which could be carried across into different media – it will function much more effectively than the eyebrow character now on this blog. No doubt this mark will go through some changes before I settle on its final state, but for now I’m comfortable enough with it as a placeholder.
The next step is to replace the main angryPixel page with an updating feed from each of the angryPixel sites, changing it into much more of a dynamic gateway than the current static page.
Update: I’ve also rolled this out to the angryPixel design site. It seems the ease that this can be modified for other projects is a good indicator that I’m on the right track…