Anonymous Present Their Demands

The debate for Internet censorship in Australia took an interesting turn today.
Whilst I’m not about to condone their action on my blog, I see it as vital that the discussion around this topic is kept alive. The Rudd Government continues with a string of conservative, right-wing policy decisions around social liberties in this country and expects to proceed without community consultation.
Whether you agree with Anonymous’ (at least at this time) publicity stunt or not, we should all be questioning the path we are now heading down when it comes to freely accessible information.
Note: Whilst I do not agree with Government preventing Internet users from viewing any websites, I don’t suggest you view many of those on the blacklist. It’s not for those with a weak constitution. Seriously. (Viewing the blacklist is safe – the web addresses generally speak for themselves.)
Update 10/09/2009: The results are in. Anonymous successfully brought to a grinding halt. I wonder what the repercussions of this will be?