Professional Practice – Week 03
With my Digital Studio/Professional Portfolio project beginning to take shape, there’s now a little more direction for the first Professional Practice assessment. The task here is to create a project proposal and provide all the supporting documentation to go along with it. The business-orientated documents, like a business card, letterhead and resume don’t need to be project-specific, however the project summary, aims and methodology will provide an excellent opportunity to knead out some finer project details.
Combining the subjects creates questions about how I will present my work. Is it purely a personal project, or am I representing my organisation (angryPixel)? As this idea rolls around inside my head, I have begun to toy with the next incarnation of the angryPixel logo. It doesn’t feel like I’ve hit the mark yet, but has been evolving through a few minor changes…
Obviously this class is not all about logos, although I would like to present myself and my work as a clear and coherent package – and a complete visual identity will help me achieve this.
Beginning to think about a broader direction for myself and where I hope to be heading next year could help with some of these ideas. What title am I going to give myself? What kind of work do I want to do? Who do I want to work for? These are some of the questions I need to address before I move forward.
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