SHARE Sydney – July 2011

I’ll keep this brief, because I feel as though I’ve gone well and truly into marketing mode and the Bill Hicks in me is starting to unleash some self-loathing. In spite of that, I would like to cordially invite you to our first effort at a SHARE Sydney event…
Keeping it brief, it’s an open jam session for people working with digital technologies and performance (Max, Processing, Ableton, VDMX, Arduino, etc etc etc). It sits somewhere between a performance and workshop, with the AV system being completely open for anyone to plug in and have a go. The only requirement being that you’re unreserved about what you’re doing and happy to chat to others about it whilst you perform – hence, SHARE.
There have already been quite a few SHARE Sydney events (in fact, this is a global concept). However, this one may differ slightly in its focus on technology. We don’t want to see the standard audience-performer setup at Serial Space, but instead allow everyone to really experience all the crazy things people are doing with digital media right now. The people put it best…
We are the place to preview that video project you’re working on, learn about new software developments, sing a new pop song you’ve written, join an open jam of digital artists, form an impromptu collaboration, hear how your new songs sound on a big system, meet co-conspirators for art projects, spin some mp3s, look for new Max patches and Buzz machines or relax and have a drink with interesting people.
…hope to see you there!
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