Tag: tutorial

3D Modelling & Animation – Week 07

3D Modelling & Animation – Week 07

Thoughts After my complete spat last week, this modelling tutorial ended up feeling like a walk in the park. Maya decided to cooperate and, dare I say it, I possibly even enjoyed the process! Unfortunately though, I have found myself behind the eight-ball after losing 

3D Modelling & Animation – Week 06

3D Modelling & Animation – Week 06

Thoughts There seems to be two camps on licensed software (well, three if you include those who choose to avoid the license altogether). There are those people who believe that they are getting a high quality product, because they have forked out their hard earned 

Multimedia Authoring – Week 05

Multimedia Authoring – Week 05

Code Research Launching into more chapters of Learning Processing over the break, I think I’ve come to the first point of really struggling with the concepts presented in the book. Making my way through ‘Functions’, ‘Objects’ and ‘Arrays’, I feel like we’re starting to get