Uni Journal – Week 05

Uni Journal – Week 05

There’s nothing like having no repercussions to destroy my blog posts. Yep, another week passes by without any journal entries. Whilst I’m never going to make any brash promises like “it won’t happen again”, I will make sure that I get them out there next 

Art and the City

Art and the City

Tonight I hung around at uni for a few extra hours to attend this weeks COFA Talk: Art and the City. I’m quite interested in how government attempts to reconcile art within public spaces and was particularly keen to hear what Sydney Lord Mayor, Clover 

Screen Culture – Week 04

Screen Culture – Week 04

Classwork Digital Cinema was the focus for Screen Culture this week. Obviously, the term itself immediately connects with an image of contemporary cinema: theatres showing Hollywood-style, narrative film. However, as we stepped warily down the path of Lev Manovich‘s The Language of New Media, it 

Uni Journal – Week 03

Uni Journal – Week 03

Life (work + uni + Concrete) has killed my Uni Journal for Week 3. Which is a shame, because it was looking like I could really overachieve well into Week 5, or even Week 6. So instead of trying to cover everything from a week 

Screen Culture – Week 02

Screen Culture – Week 02

Classwork It was interesting this week to hear the responses to McLuhan’s theories. After some clarification in the lecture, we entered a tutorial-wide discussion surrounding what was mostly a question of “do you agree that the medium is the message?” Of course, this is one 

Screen Culture – Week 01

Screen Culture – Week 01

Classwork I was encouraged by the broad scope of the introductory lecture and tutorial for Screen Culture this week. It will be the first – and only – strictly theory subject I’ve taken this year and probably a nice break from the weight of project 

Chaser-Bashing: All Aboard The Bandwagon!

Chaser-Bashing: All Aboard The Bandwagon!

I – like many – believe that The Chaser has passed its use by date. Not that the creators aren’t filled with talent and ideas, but the format is starting to feel a little tired and more forced with each episode. With the final airing 

Daily Telegraph: Is This Journalism?

Daily Telegraph: Is This Journalism?

I always thought it was the duty of a journalist to report on the news, not to invent it. I understand that with the editorial slant that each media organisation puts on their own paper/television channel/radio broadcast, that the details can be spun, muddied, embellished, 



There are precious few free Internet video ‘channels’ that offer anything outside lolcats and porn. TED is one that springs to mind as breaking the mould of user-generated rubbish and actually offers something worthwhile. I understand the value of breaking down the barriers of content 

Off-Topic 03 or “You Are A Fucking Cunt”

Off-Topic 03 or “You Are A Fucking Cunt”

Newtown in Sydney is notoriously bad for parking. It’s the number one reason I don’t bother with owning a car. If by nothing short of a miracle you manage to find somewhere to place your car, you’re then never totally sure what you’ll find when 

Off-Topic 02 or “Wanted: Girl Nerds (only hotties need apply)”

Off-Topic 02 or “Wanted: Girl Nerds (only hotties need apply)”

Update: I should know better than to put a picture of a young, beautiful girl on my blog. All you 15 year old boys hitting Google Images are ruining my stats. In an attempt to return to equilibrium, I’ve updated the picture below. This one 

PDF Journalism

PDF Journalism

It’s become common knowledge of late, that our traditional printed media, like newspapers and magazines are going to need to reinvent themselves to keep up with the massive shift of all things to the Internet. It’s not really that long ago that the Internet was 

Off-Topic 01

Off-Topic 01

Things have been getting far too serious around this blog for a while now – I haven’t had a whole bunch of time to post anything outside uni work. So as a break from all of that, here is some comic relief. I spotted this 

Show Me The Money

Show Me The Money

There’s nothing quite as sure to keep you popular in the opinion polls as handing out free cash. In a measure reflected around the world, our generally underwhelming head of government, Kevin Rudd, is handing out around $900 to most people across the country. As 

Socially Anonymous

Socially Anonymous

Obviously one of the great things about the internet is the ability to connect to people you would otherwise never come into contact with. Yet this has always been played off against the scaremongering fear that people can pretend to be someone that they’re not. 

The Cost of Design

The Cost of Design

A constant desire to update and change my blog layout has resulted in a shift to this new subdomain. I decided that, like Eli’s blog, I should create a sort of break between my personal work and my professional work. So here it is. Welcome.