Digital Theory & Aesthetics – Week 06

Digital Theory & Aesthetics – Week 06

As I’ve often a tendency to do, I tried to be overly clever with my (very) short essay on interaction this week. Basing my paper on Robert Morris’ Plywood Show (1964), I had to express in just 300 words why I thought his work was 

Digital Theory & Aesthetics – Week 04

Digital Theory & Aesthetics – Week 04

Just a brief post, this one. Something like a ‘statement of intention’. For this subject, we need to select a work that we consider fits with the topic we’ve been asked to research. For myself, this is interactivity. I spend a lot of my time 

Digital Theory & Aesthetics – Week 01

Digital Theory & Aesthetics – Week 01

Class Following on from what we did in Screen Culture last session, Digital Theory & Aesthetics takes a more focused look at some of the theory involved with creative practice in the digital arts. Being one of those ‘course outline walkthrough’ classes, we did little 

Screen Culture – Week 12

Screen Culture – Week 12

I certainly haven’t saved the best of 2009 for last. Screen Culture didn’t deliver me marks as high as my other subjects, but I’m not really sure why. I’m not a fan of complaining about lecturers/tutors through a one-way forum like my blog, but the 

Where To From Here?

Where To From Here?

Personally, I’m in the Bill Hicks camp when it comes to advertising. You don’t have to dig too far through this blog to find some of my middle-class, white, uneducated rantings on the subject. But because of my vocation (and the previous list of adjectives), 

Back To School

Back To School

There’s still a month or so before I’m back to uni for the final year of my undergrad. But being the last year, I’m pretty determined to put my head down and hit the ground running to make sure I’ve got the option of enrolling 

Please Stop With All The Fun

Please Stop With All The Fun

It’s difficult to find the time for blog writing amongst all the drinking, music and general fun that’s been going on around the place over the past month. Instead of dragging everyone through the details, like an Ellis-esque American Psycho, I might just babble my way 

Sneaking Through The Filter

Sneaking Through The Filter

As Labour have done quite a bit of lately, they’re trying to get more sweeping changes through whilst everyone is looking away. This time, whilst the world is watching Copenhagen, Senator Conroy has suddenly decided that the Australian internet filter trial completed in September was 

Drunken Thought For The Night: What’s Wrong With Bass Guitarists?

Drunken Thought For The Night: What’s Wrong With Bass Guitarists?

I just arrived home from stopping by the local to check out a (friend of a) friends’ band. They weren’t bad, but we did find ourselves making note of the bass guitarists dance moves – something akin to a chicken, pecking at seed. Which started 

The True Cost of Food

The True Cost of Food

I caught the end of an excellent documentary on SBS today, called The Growing Anger of Hunger. It looked at the painfully disparate relationship between developed nations and the 3rd world countries being quite literally farmed out of existence. Of course, this story is nothing 

Screen Culture – Week 08

Screen Culture – Week 08

Process Our presentation topic for Screen Culture was ‘Immersion’. In short, immersion seems to be the Holy Grail for many artists and in particular, those working within interaction. I have vague memories of Virtual Reality machines being toured around my local area when I was 

Movember Begins

Movember Begins

I haven’t used a razor to shave in years. I’m afraid of looking like a small child with gigantic eyebrows – kind of like a Japanese cartoon character gone very, very wrong. So me and facial hair get along quite well: it grows quickly and 



I finally attended my first Dorkbot event last night at Serial Space. I was very impressed. The presenters – Harriet Birks and John Tonkin – both showed us interesting work, but what I was really inspired by, was the way they broke down all their 

Out Fishing

Out Fishing

So you want answers – why have the blog posts stopped? Where are all the new pictures, exciting videos and words of show-stopping genius that bring joy to your dark, sad little lives? They’ve gone on holiday, that’s where. As is standard practice for me, 

Inspiration for Beginner Creatives

Inspiration for Beginner Creatives

I’m posting this via Alex at ISO50, because I know there are a few visitors to this blog that should really be inspired by it… Perhaps more than any other industry, learning to be a creative can be tough. You can become quickly disillusioned when 

Screen Culture – Week 07

Screen Culture – Week 07

Research As with all my subjects this semester, ‘Week 07’ is really a week of our mid-semester break. Yes, they decided to call it ‘Research Week’, where we’re able to come in and arrange meetings with our tutors/lecturers, but as anyone who’s ever been to 

Screen Culture – Week 06

Screen Culture – Week 06

Research Bit of a strategic sickie this week for Screen Culture. So unfortunately I missed watching excerpts of the brilliant Dr. Strangelove, as part of the topic of ‘Military History of the Computer Screen’. So instead of doing any of these readings, I took a 

Anonymous Present Their Demands

Anonymous Present Their Demands

The debate for Internet censorship in Australia took an interesting turn today. Whilst I’m not about to condone their action on my blog, I see it as vital that the discussion around this topic is kept alive. The Rudd Government continues with a string of 

Apparently We’re Full

Apparently We’re Full

Australia pretty much now has the dubious honour of being internationally known as a racist culture. Our ever-tightening immigration policy (I defy anyone to prove that Rudd has taken any steps since ousting Howard to make a real difference for immigrants) is vindicated by right-wing 

Share and Share Alike

Share and Share Alike

I have been meaning to get around to this for a while: all the material I post on my blog (that is of my own creation) is now free for use under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia license. “Wow,” I hear you say,