Tag: design

Designing for Experience

Designing for Experience

For just about anyone working on a PhD (at least outside Science), the core of your research is a moving target. The ever-shifting ‘research question’ is frustratingly elusive, and despite beginning the process with what you feel is a pretty clear field of study in 



Recently I was given a bit of a hiding at my PhD Annual Review for not being clear about where my ‘contribution to knowledge’ is situated. For the majority of people who sensibly have no interest in postgraduate study; a PhD is essentially the creation 

Honours Studio 1 – Week 11/12

Honours Studio 1 – Week 11/12

A big couple of weeks just jetted by. Assignments coming out my ears and scrambling to now get this project underway. Yep, I’ve finally met with my little participant (she’s just 2 years old) and so now the real (as in ‘physical’) work begins. I 

Underlapper – Drinking Dust Artwork

Underlapper – Drinking Dust Artwork

Greg from Underlapper asked me to put together some artwork for their forthcoming single, Drinking Dust. The track will be released as a free download, along with remixes by Cleptoclectics and Vorad Fils very soon, so I needed to turn something around quite quickly. Drinking 

Professional Portfolio – Week 07

Professional Portfolio – Week 07

The past couple of weeks have been a bit of a blur of trial and error. Testing lights, interactive materials, table designs and of course a heap of Max/MSP/Jitter code. Although I’ve just had a 2 week break from classes, there certainly hasn’t been a 

Electronic Technologies – Week 03

Electronic Technologies – Week 03

Unlike Professional Portfolio, I won’t be keep a weekly journal for this subject – only occasional updates where necessary. Electronic Technologies is a class I’ve taken to support my major work in Professional Portfolio: somewhere I can learn not to electrocute myself as I build 

Professional Portfolio – Week 03

Professional Portfolio – Week 03

I began work on motion tracking in Max/MSP/Jitter this week, by way of blob detection. Using the PS3 Eye that I replaced the light filter on last semester, the plan is to use it to track how much light is passing through a translucent table 

Professional Portfolio – Week 02

Professional Portfolio – Week 02

After presenting last week‘s work in class, I received some valuable criticism on the direction of my work. Not levelled at the function or technology of my project, but the content I’m choosing to present. It was suggested that rather than focus on the exhibition 

Dusk – Scale Model

Dusk – Scale Model

With the direction of our project – and therefore the coding development – on hold until we lock down the arrangement with projectors, I decided to start working on a scale model of Dusk today. This will make changing and communicating ideas much faster, as 

Dusk – Warehouse Space

Dusk – Warehouse Space

The Underbelly Arts’ artist Lab kicked off today, with some site inductions and an opportunity to measure up the space in which Dusk will be constructed. We’ll be living in an old warehouse space, at the south end of the strip of venues that make up 

Professional Practice – Week 11

Professional Practice – Week 11

The final assessment for Professional Practice is due next week, for which a physical business card is part. This is the only element of this project that I was able to get printed commercially, so I thought it was worth a post of its own. 

The Cost of Design

The Cost of Design

A constant desire to update and change my blog layout has resulted in a shift to this new subdomain. I decided that, like Eli’s blog, I should create a sort of break between my personal work and my professional work. So here it is. Welcome.