Author: Scott

Christmas Lights (for Nerds)

Christmas Lights (for Nerds)

Our street takes Christmas pretty seriously. At least in Australian terms. Most people in the street take the time to decorate their house (for which there are prizes given, and an Oscar-esque bribery/scandal sideshow), before we close the street for a communal Christmas lunch. Santa arrives 

Kinect Mask

Kinect Mask

So I have this friend who is insane: he’s just bought a video hire store in Sydney. On the upside, he’s moved into lovely new premises which have kept their 1930/40s deep-set window bays. In exchange for lugging DVDs from the old store to the 

Honours Studio 2 – Week 15-17

Honours Studio 2 – Week 15-17

All good things must come to an end, and so too has my Honours project. Not only that, but this marks the finish line of my undergraduate degree and the disappearance of my 20’s. It’s been a pretty big year, so it’s been nice to 

Honours Studio 2 – Week 8-14

Honours Studio 2 – Week 8-14

Six weeks have passed in the blink of an eye and with only a couple more up my sleeve, this is certainly the final straight for my Honours project. After what has been a busy month with presenting my Honours thesis at Critical Animals in 

Honours Paper

Honours Paper

Curiously, the short thesis required for BDM Honours at COFA is due a full 6 weeks before the physical work that it is partly documenting. I’ll save my thoughts on why that doesn’t make sense for another time. For now, my paper is finished and 

Conference Talks – October 2011

Conference Talks – October 2011

Next month I’ll be presenting my Honours thesis at two separate conferences. First of all in Newcastle at Critical Animals (part of the TINA festival) and then a few weeks later for what will be maiden voyage to Perth for the Curtin University Humanities Graduate 

Device 2 (2011)

Device 2 (2011)

The second iteration of interactive device is now in the participants’ home. Based on the feedback I received from Device 1, the next step is to explore more specifically what it is about tactility and vibration that the child finds appealing. To do this, I 

Honours Studio 2 – Week 1/2/3/4

Honours Studio 2 – Week 1/2/3/4

I’ve started a great many blog posts with the words “it’s been a while since I last posted…”, but once again those time honoured words come to mind. It’s crunch time for the Honours year, with our thesis due in just a handful of weeks 

Device 1 (2011)

Device 1 (2011)

A couple of updates as I head into the final session of my Honours year: The first iteration of the interactive device is up and running, and I’m now preparing to deploy it in the participants home. I’ve probably written enough on the electronics process already, 

Awesome Update

Awesome Update

There’s been quite a lot going on during the uni break, so I thought an update might be in order. Particularly so I could publicly thank the Sydney chapter of The Awesome Foundation for giving me a massive helping hand, by way of a $1000 

SHARE Sydney – July 2011

SHARE Sydney – July 2011

I’ll keep this brief, because I feel as though I’ve gone well and truly into marketing mode and the Bill Hicks in me is starting to unleash some self-loathing. In spite of that, I would like to cordially invite you to our first effort at 

Honours Studio 1 – Week 13

Honours Studio 1 – Week 13

Just a quick wrap-up before I disappear into the darkness of the month or so of mid-year break (which means I’ll actually have a chance to get some work done and hopefully come out the other side with an up and running prototype)… First up, 

Honours Studio 1 – Week 11/12

Honours Studio 1 – Week 11/12

A big couple of weeks just jetted by. Assignments coming out my ears and scrambling to now get this project underway. Yep, I’ve finally met with my little participant (she’s just 2 years old) and so now the real (as in ‘physical’) work begins. I 



%CODE1% I certainly don’t have an abundance of time on my hands, so exactly why I’m creating seemingly pointless MaxForLive devices is a mystery. Though maybe not entirely: I actually really enjoy playing around in Max. There’s an immediacy that you can’t get from compiled 

Honours Studio 1 – Week 09

Honours Studio 1 – Week 09

I’ve spent most of the past week trying to brainstorm entirely hypothetical interactive devices. By this stage, I was hoping to know which children I would be working with – and therefore, what sensory issues I would be focusing on. Unfortunately, due to circumstances out 

Honours Studio 1 – Week 07/08

Honours Studio 1 – Week 07/08

So a brief update on some testing I’ve been up to… first of all the Processing Android (now in official release – get it) questionnaire, which will provide parents involved in the study with a simple means to giving me feedback. Simplicity is something I 

Underlapper – Softly Harboured Artwork

Underlapper – Softly Harboured Artwork

Underlapper‘s latest album, Softly Harboured was released this week and I was lucky enough to be asked to do the artwork for physical CD release. It was a lesson in quick turnaround though, as both myself and the band were under pressure to get this 

You Made An App. It Didn’t Change The World.

You Made An App. It Didn’t Change The World.

There have been precious few blog posts from me of late which have been a good, solid rant. Let’s be honest: why does one start a blog, if not to air their overblown opinions? Thank goodness there are still ballbags on the interwebs, helping to 

Honours Studio 1 – Week 05/06

Honours Studio 1 – Week 05/06

Week 06 marks the quarter-mark for this year, which frankly, is damn frightening. It’s also the point at which everyone starts to prioritise each and every assignment (letting the less important ones slide), which is why I’ve combined 2 weeks of posts here. There are 

Honours Studio 1 – Week 4

Honours Studio 1 – Week 4

In an attempt to appease my time management and your sanity, I’ll endeavour to make this fast… This week I began work proper on what will possibly become the ‘core’ of the interactive devices I create this year. After getting some really helpful information about